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Statistics provide information for user about :


quantity of kilometers as a result of skiing on the slopes of the ski resort;

• average speed during skiing;

• maximum speed, with which the skier took some sections of the slope;

• time in which the slope was passed and the time when the slope was passed;

quantity of slopes.


At the top of the screen of your device, you can see the overall statistics, where the rates of individual slopes are summarized (slide 1/3).


Below you can see statistics for each individual slope, which you skied.


Upon clicking, selecting a particular slope, you get detailed information about the date, time, speed and quantity of the slope (slide 2/3).


Upon clicking, selecting a particular descent, you can see this slope on the map in red and your route in green (slide 3/3).


Share your achievements on Facebook.


To collect statistics you need to start, activate the application “iPeak” on your device at the beginning of the day.


To see statistics on the device, you need to buy a statistics module. Buying opportunity appears when you click on the icon "Statistics" on the desktop of the application. It costs $ 2.99.


Enjoy skiing with iPeak :).



IPeak International



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